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Books & Papers

These links do not necessarily represent an endorsement of their content by the A4E. The A4E is not responsible for the content or the maintenance of these links. All links are intended for educational purposes only.

Women and Power - a manifesto

Mary Beard

The price of Motherhood

Ann Crittenden

To kill a mockingbird

Harper Lee

The Handmaid's Tale

Margaret Atwood

Breaking out of the man box

Tony Porter

The Second Sex

Simone De Beauvoir

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The Handsy Man

Tracee Ellis Ross

Tracee Ellis Ross’s Hilarious Children’s Book Explains Sexual Harassment To Men

fastcompany review About the author

The Color Purple

Alice Walker

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The Pimping of Prostitution

Julie Bindel

Prostitution as violence against women

Janice G.Raymonda

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Goodnight stories for rebel girls 1 & 2

Elena Favilli & Francesca Cavallo

These books can help build strong girls — and boys — for today’s world

Karen MacPherson

Delusions of Gender

Cordelia Fine

Angry white men

Michael Kimmel

Feminism is for everybody

Bell Hooks

Men explain things to me

Rebecca Solnit

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