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Combating Human Trafficking Today

Taking stock of evidence-based research and sharing experiences from Europe

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Aim: Human trafficking leaves no land untouched and is also happening around us. This conference seeks to provide answers to some of the most difficult questions relating to the trafficking of children and adults for commercial sexual exploitation. The conference seeks to answer some of the pending difficult questions:

  • What are the links between trafficking and prostitution?

  • What do we know about sexually exploited women in Malta? Who are they? What led to their exploitation?

  • Can the criminalising of the sex buyer reduce human trafficking?  The Swedish Experience.

  • In the context of existing legal models - What model should Malta adopt?


Date: Friday, 28th September 2018

Venue: Lecture Theatre 2 (LT2) - University of Malta – Msida Campus

Time: 09.00 - 13.30hrs

Organisers: Dr Anna Borg (A4E) and Dr Anna Vella (Dar Hosea) in collaboration with the Centre for Labour Studies (CLS) – University of Malta  with the support of: The Swedish Ambassador to Malta, The British High Commission and the Times of Malta.


Recommended Donation of €25 - Part of the proceeds will go to Dar Hosea and A4E



  • 9.00 - 9.05 Introduction by Dr Anna Borg - Chairperson, Association for Equality (A4E)

  • 9.05 - 9.15 Opening by the Hon Julia Farrugia Portelli MP - Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms, Citizenship and Simplification of Administrative Processes​ - The importance of combating Human Trafficking

Session 1

  • 9.15 - 9.45 - KEY NOTE SPEECH: What are the links between trafficking and prostitution?

    • Ms Julie Bindel - Journalist, writer, broadcaster, researcher and author of the book: The Pimping of Prostitution: Abolishing the Sex Work Myth.

  • 1 minute video by Pierre Ellul - Falkun Films.

  • 09.46 - 10.25 -  Panel Discussion with the Audience: Prostitution and Trafficking – Can they be tackled separately?

    • Chair:  Ms Helen Burrows - UK Top 100 Slavery Influencer

    • Panelists: Ms Julie Bindel, Inspector Joseph Busuttil - Vice SquadDr Katrine Camilleri - JRS Malta.

  • 10.25 - 11.00   - REFRESHMENT BREAK

Session 2

  • 11.00 - 11.15  What do we know about sexually exploited women in Malta? Who are they? What led to their exploitation?

    • Dr Anna Vella - Medical Doctor and member of the Management Committee of Dar Hosea, a drop-in centre for women in prostitution

  • 11.15 -  11. 30 - The legal aspect of exploited and trafficked women in Malta

    • Dr Lara Dimitrijevic - Women’s Rights Foundation

  • 1 minute video by Pierre Ellul - Falkun Films.

  • 11.31 -12.00 Panel Discussion: Is prostitution a free choice or a Form of Violence?

    • Chair: Dr Marceline Naudi  - Senior Lecturer, Department of Gender Studies

    • Panelists: Dr Anna Vella, Dr Lara DimitrijevicDr Neil Falzon - Aditus Foundation


Session 3


  • 12.00 - 12.30 Can the criminalising of the sex buyer reduce human trafficking? The Swedish Experience since the implementation of the Nordic Model.

    • ​Ms Kajsa WahlbergDetective Inspector, Head of the Swedish Police Authority's Human Trafficking Unit and Sweden's national rapporteur on human trafficking opposition activities.

  • 1 minute video by Pierre Ellul - Falkun Films.

  • 12.31 - 13.25 In the context of existing models which model should Malta adopt? Short overview followed by discussion.   

    • Chair: Nana Mallet Cardoza - Swiss Lawyer and researcher on trafficking.

    • Panelists: Ms Kajsa Wahlberg, Mr Andrew Azzopardi - Safeguarding of the Children Commission, Ms Marietherese Gatt - Association for Equality - A4E, Hardeep Walker - Manager, UK National Crime Agency – Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Unit

  • 13.25 - 13.30 Concluding message (recorded) from Her Excellency Marie Louise Coleiro Preca - President of Malta

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